Dogs Just Know

Dogs Just Know
  • Dogs Just Know
  • Dogs Just Know
  • Dogs Just Know
  • Dogs Just Know
  • Dogs Just Know
  • Dogs Just Know
  • $15.00

Our pups open our eyes to all sorts of wisdom—they seem to know not to take themselves too seriously, and that the best moment is the one we're in right now. Equal parts playful and profound, this adorable book celebrates how furry friends illuminate life's treasures.

With a bit of humor and a whole lot of love, each page is a chance to connect to all the wonder and wisdom our pups offer:

“Dogs cherish what is here because it is good. Dogs know there are no little things.”

“Dogs know that being your own kind of weird is the best way to be.”

“Dogs know that we deserve a little treat. Every day. Just for being.”

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